Week 3 – Endurance HoH Competition: WATCH LIVE!

Tonight on Big Brother 14 we have a LIVE eviction and a new Head of Household will be crowned. Stay tuned for LIVE updates (below).

After the conclusion of tonight’s eviction, you’ll want to check out the 24/7 live feeds to catch all of the post-eviction drama. Be sure to take advantage of the 3-day free trial of the live feeds. Start your free trial tonight or check out the perks of signing up, including free iPhone and Android viewing. Lastly, be sure to follow @wlbb on Twitter for breaking Big Brother news.

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10:05pmBritney and Ian jump.

Danielle is the new Head of Household!  Good night everyone!

09:46pmIan slipped and touched another player’s foot rest.  He thinks he might be disqualified but hasn’t been informed by Big Brother yet.

09:44pmBritney is in a lot of pain (or at least she is making it look like it).

Ian is starting to struggle for the first time.

09:43pmIan, Britney, and Danielle remain.

09:42pmJanelle is out as well.

Wil and Shane jumped off at the same time.

09:22pmTwo and a half hours in and we still have six houseguests in the game: Shane, Wil, Danielle, Janelle, Britney, and Ian.  This is an EPIC competition.  You can watch liveon the 24/7 live feeds.

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09:02pmFrank is out of the competition.

08:48pmDan is out of the game.  Two hours in and 7 houseguests remain: Shane, Frank, Wil, Danielle, Janelle, Britney, and Ian.

08:38pmAshley just took a major nosedive into the water.

08:37pmThey are getting more and more drenched by the minute!

08:23pmAfter 90 minutes, there are quite a few houseguests in the game.

08:02pmJoe is out of the competition as well.

07:58pmJenn dropped out of the competition as well.  They’re looking for dry towels!

07:57pmMike Boogie jumped out of the competition.  He said “it’s been fun guys, but I’m out.”

07:56pmNothing new to report.  I even ran to Dairy Queen and back and everyone is still in the competition.  PS – While I was getting ice cream I was watching the live feeds on my cell phone!

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07:42pm55 minutes into the competition and it looks like everyone is still hanging in there.

07:27pmAll houseguestsremain in the game.

07:18pmMike Boogie is suggesting he won’t last long in the competition.

07:16pmThe houseguests are being sprayed with bird poop.

07:11pmThe houseguests are complaining about the temperature of the water.

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07:08pmThe houseguests are all completely soaked.  They look to be struggling already.

07:06pmHere is a quick peek at the live feeds.

07:05pmThe live feeds just turned on!!  It looks like all houseguests are still in the competition.

07:01pmWe’re still waiting for the live feeds to turn on.  They’ll be on any minute!  Leave your comments below and let us know who you want to win the HOH Competition.

06:56pmThe episode just finished. All houseguests are still in the Endurance HOH Competition.  Be sure to watch it with us on the Live Feeds.  Stay tuned for updates.

06:49pmSince the game has been reset, Shane has the chance to compete in the Head of Household competition.  To watch the competition play out on the Live Feeds, start your 3-day free trial or see the perks of signing up Be sure to watch along with us!

06:42pmJanelle hit the reset button.  Boogie was the only one NOT to hit the button.  There will be no evicted houseguest tonight.  All houseguests will compete for the Head of Household tonight.

06:41pmDan pressed the RESET button.

06:41pmBritney hit the RESET button in the diary room — therefore ALL coaches will for sure be entering the game.  Boogie did NOT hit the reset button.

06:38pmAmerica voted (YES) the coaches are offered the chance to enter the game. There will be eviction tonight if the coaches enter.

06:37pmJulie is revealing America’s Vote about the coaches to the houseguests right now.

06:36pmThe live vote is coming up next.

05:58pmThe live show has started. Stay tuned to learn important details from tonight’s show.


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