Big Brother 12: Kathy Hillis Eviction Interview

Each week, will bring you an exclusive post-eviction interview with the Big    Brother 12 cast.  After being evicted, we will ask the evicted    houseguests YOUR questions.  Read what Kathy had to say about her time    in the house.

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Brian  Scheffler, Kathy, I’m sure you’re still a little shocked that you’re talking with us today, but in one sentence, how would you gather your thoughts since last night’s surprise eviction?

Kathy: I am totally shocked and hurt because I didn’t have the opportunity to compete and speak to anyone before hand. There was no closure. I feel like the opportunity that I had slipped through just by one move in the game that was unexpected.

Brian: Some houseguests suspected a strange power might have been in play this past week.  Did you ever feel this way and think you could be a target?

Kathy: Yes

Brian: Are you surprised Matt was able to keep his Diamond Power of Veto a secret for two weeks?

Kathy: Absolutely!

Brian: @laloca6661 on Twitter asks about your health as you were a little weak during the start of the show.  And how much did this affect your ability to play the game?

Kathy: It affected my ability tremendously. I felt like my body had let me down, but with that said, I felt like my soul took on a new layer as a survivor.

Brian: Are you looking forward to a week in the Jury House alone with Rachel or are you already anxiously awaiting a new houseguest to join you?

Kathy: I’m anxiously waiting for another houseguest to join me.

Brian: Do you feel your lack of an alliance hurt you?

Kathy: No – I do not feel like it hurt me because I didn’t want to change my morals and integrity at the sake of someone else’s expense. If that meant being alone, then I was going to survive by myself.

Brian: Did you ever worry that you might be suspected of being the Saboteur?

Kathy: Yes – I did worry about that.

Brian: Who do you think the Saboteur was?

Kathy: It really depends on if America voted. If America voted, then I think it may have been Enzo. If America did not vote than I would suspect… Oh man, I never could figure out the saboteur.

Brian: Let’s play a quick game that I play with all the evictees: I’ll give you a houseguest name and you give me ONLY a couple of words to describe that person or finish that thought. Ready?

Matt: totally the opposite of me
Britney: conniving
Brendon: unpredictable
Ragan: emotional
Enzo: absolutely hilarious

Brian: Best memory from house?

Kathy: The bonds that I formed with certain people… I formed great bonds with Hayden and Kristen and Enzo.

Brian: Thanks for your time, Kathy. Enjoy the jury house and we’ll see you on TV on finale night!