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One day after the cast and twist were revealed for Big Brother 13, talked to Allison Grodner, the executive producer of Big Brother. With news that several past houseguests will be entering the game as ‘dynamic duos’, think Dick and Danielle from season 8, many questions were left unanswered. How many duos will be playing? How will they be chosen? And what are the secrets to the new Big Brother house? Take a listen to our exclusive interview. […]
SPOILER ALERT: On Saturday afternoon the Big Brother 12 houseguests received another disturbing message from the “Saboteur.” The message has thrown the houseguests into a frenzy (again). […]
THE DAY HAS FINALLY ARRIVED! Big Brother 17 officially kicks off tonight at 8/7c on CBS! As a special treat, The Talk aired an exclusive teaser clip of what tonight’s Head Of Household competition might […]
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